martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Difícil viatge a Grècia

Hola a tots,

Uf! El viatge a Nisyros (Grècia) s'està complicant. Probablement únicament podrè pagar-ho jo (Jaume). En fi, intentarem presentar els 5 treballs! Una abraçada

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Jaume,

    I am not completely certain if I am contacting the right person, but here it goes. If i am wrong, please accept my apologies.

    I hope your trip from Nisyros back to Barcelona went well. Ours was o.k, save for the baby that was trying to play and move around the plane, a very crowded place as you are aware of. I still did not had the time to read your presentations fully, but they look interesting to me and my current research interests. I work mainly in the sustainability evaluation of products/products, now focused in biofuels and based on Life Cycle Approach, but applicable to other systems. As know I also teach in the MIT Portugal on Sustainable Energy Systems, the course of Advanced Simulation of Thermal Systems (I am a Chemical Engineer and I have expertise in simulation and CFD). I am interest in doing some research in that area, in particular in buildings, as in the group at Feup I work mainly with professor Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes. Also I am getting convinced that exergy is really a good idea, although to engineers as me it is tricky to use and to get objective goals.

    I hope we can cooperate any how. If you want, I can send to you a copy of my papers and my CV.


    António Martins

    PS: if you like I can start to write in Portuguese, or in spanish, that I spoke well. Catalan is to much for me right now...


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